!! Attention Business Owners and Tech Enthusiasts: This is an EVMO News Premium Educational Program!!

Attract Premium Clients Every Day in the Ethical AI Workshop!

2X Your Sales on Repeat With AI and Reduce Your Content Production Time in Half

Are You a Burned Out Business Owner Who Wants to Gain Back Time & Profits?

Here is a secret: AI Can Help You 2X Your Sales and Gain Back 50+% of Your Time!!

In the Ethical Al Workshop, you will dominate the online space with Ethical AI and 2x your sales in your business while cutting down your content production time in half, maximising your creativity!

Who is This Workshop Made for? 🤔

This Program is Made for You if...

  • You're a Burned-Out Business Owner or Tech Enthusiast who desires to gain back 50+% of your time spent in content creation and quicken the content production process with AI technology. You're ready to go from burned out business owner who struggles to get clients to an automated and empowered tech boss that attracts premium clients with ease and with the power of AI.

  • You Are a Solopreneur With Beginner-Level AI Knowledge but you don’t have a strategy plan to implement AI in a systemic way to cut down content production time and increase quality leads & sales generation for your online business. You are ready to transform into an empowered business owner who attracts premium clients with the help of AI.

  • You are a Newbie AI User Seeking to Develop AI Expertise & skills for better employment opportunities. In this premium workshop, you'll create magnetic and personalised Generative AI content that will help you build a recession-proof AI certified career foundation. You are ready to go from outdated tech newbie to AI tech master.

  • You are a SMM Who Doesn't Know How the AIs Fit Together and how to use multiple ones to get the best quality output to maximise both your own revenue and lead quality and that of your clients as well. You are ready to upgrade your AI skills to serve your clients WOW-tastic results.

  • You are a C-Level Executive with a Desire to Become an AI Leader. In this workshop, you will discover how to position yourself as an AI leader in your industry by learning ethical AI policy making and how to think critically about AI, becoming an industry innovator!

In This Generative AI Program, You'll Learn How to Save 50+% of Your Content Production Time, How to 2x Your Sales Potential, and How to Position Yourself as an AI Industry Leader, all While Implementing AI Systems and Practices Ethically!

This Workshop is Only for Action-Takers & for Entrepreneurs Who Desire to Give 101% to Their Business and Their Self-Growth.

You Have to be OBSESSED With the Premium Educational Experience & be a Premium Minded Entrepreneur to Thrive in This EVMO News Premium Education Digital Program!

What is Inside

The Ethical AI Workshop?


Module 1: Intro to

Generative AI

Module 1 covers definition, examples, and key learnings that every business owner should know concerning what Ethical AI and Gen AI are and how they can benefit your business today and tomorrow.


Module 2: AI Image


Module 2 covers the different types of generative AI image models and takes a deep dive into the best prompt engineering practices. You'll learn how to get the best possible output with any AI image model.


Module 3: AI

Video Generation

Module 3 will train you on how to translate images into videos; text to videos or even how to mix and edit different videos and add AI effects. This is the content that your business needs to attract leads.


Module 4: Audio & Music Generation

From Audio cloning, to royalty free music generation, you will get trained on how to optimise your content to attract the right leads for your business.


Module 5: AI Leads

& Sales

That's not all. You will also get exclusive access to websites, cloudwares and other AI powered resources that will enhance your lead generation, lead nurture and sales conversion process.


Module 6: Exam

& Certificate

You will take quizzes at the end of each module, followed by a final exam. With a 75% passing grade, you have more than what it takes to complete the Ethical AI Workshop and get AI certified today. All classes are online & you own the program forever!


Ethical AI Policies & More Resources!

Downloadable and bite sized summaries are at your fingertips. You can access a library of diverse Ethical AI resources that are additional to all the material inside the Ethical AI Workshop. Inclusive of Ethical AI best practices, Ethical AI policy templates and more!

Original Value = €5777

Original Value = €5777

How will this Bless

Your Business? 🤩

  • Write AI copywriting that converts.
  • Grab attention with AI images and craft professional business photoshoots & headshots.
  • Create AI videos that capture & convert.
  • Use royalty free AI music in your ads; duplicate your voice for captivating narration.
  • Launch Ads that Get Clicks & Convert with Smart AI analysis.
  • Automate and upgrade your systems to premium with AI; sell on autopilot with AI automation.
  • Learn to Think Critically about Your Business & AI Industry.
  • Position Yourself as an AI Leader & Expert with this Knowledge.
  • Master basic AI copyright law (US & EU) in order to be an Ethical AI pioneer.
  • Design creative and attention grabbing QR Codes for more clicks!
  • Humanise & personalise your AI copywriting to match your brand voice.
  • How to multistream live and with replay with AI so you can be everywhere at the same time!
  • Write AI copywriting that converts.

  • Grab attention with AI images and craft professional business photoshoots & headshots.

  • Create AI videos that capture & convert.

  • Use royalty free AI music in your ads; duplicate your voice for captivating narration.

  • Launch Ads that Get Clicks & Convert with Smart AI analysis.

  • Automate and upgrade your systems to premium with AI; sell on autopilot with AI automation.

  • Learn to Think Critically about Your Business & AI Industry.

  • Position Yourself as an AI Leader & Expert with this Knowledge.

  • Master basic AI copyright law (US & EU) in order to be an Ethical AI pioneer.

  • Design creative and attention grabbing QR Codes for more clicks!

  • Humanise & personalise your AI copywriting.

  • Be everywhere at the same time with AI multistream live and with strategic AI replays!

  • Understand "How to use AI for Good" with Ethical AI policy.

  • Sell More with Leads & Sales Tools that 2X Your Sales Potential.

  • Equip Yourself with a Prestigious EVMO Premium Education High Honors Graduation Certificate.

  • Become a Part of a Like-Minded Community of Tech Bosses Like You!

💸 Are You Ready!? 💸

Well, That's Not All!!

🎁 You'll Get Exquisite Bonuses 🎁

  • Your Official Certificate: All graduates of the Ethical AI Workshop will receive their official certification via email. Share it to your socials or add it to your CV for maximum value.

  • Your Student Group: You'll be inserted for free into the Ethical AI Workshop group. You can chat with your fellow peers, ask questions or discuss AI topics together.

  • Your High Honors Badge: Every graduate of the Ethical AI Workshop will get a High Honors graduation badge that will display on the official EVMO News site.

  • VIP Customer Support: VIP customer support means that you will get priority communication with our team.

  • Win 1k bonus on Coach Megan's Mastermind: Simply enroll in the Ethical AI Workshop and the first 5 candidates will get a 1k bonus into the Top 1% CEO Mastermind.

Original Value: €997

Original Value = €997

About Coach Megan

Founder & CEO of EVMO News, EVMO Fashion, EVMO Education and Mega Wins Marketing.

Her whyfor is helping business owners like you attract PREMIUM clients, who pay you in full and are a correct caliber match for you, making your work EXCITING, flowing, and fulfilling!

Coach Megan specialises in achieving this by training you on AI enhanced business tools, mindset coaching, and strategic content marketing.

→ She speaks English, Italian, French, modern Greek, and Russian.

→ Coach Megan is a 4X certified Gen AI Expert, 2X MSc in Marketing & Innovation, 1X summa cum laude Global Politics & Economy Specialist.

→ Her educational foundation enables her to serve her clients with a holistic, ethical, and strategic approach to business success.

→ Fun facts: The 44th US President certified Coach Megan in Academic Excellence in 2011.

My AI Work

Place Story:

Before vs. After AI

From Burned Out Business Owner to Beating Turn-Around Record Times Tech Boss:

  • Would spend anywhere from 4-7+ hrs on content creation, video editing and copywriting.

  • Captions for IG: Would manually type out captions that took anywhere from 5 mins to 30 mins per piece of content.

  • Content Batching Before AI: Even with content batching, content creation was a full time job that needed attention 24/7.

  • Outbound Marketing & Sales: All this content entanglement provoked a hit on outbound messaging, and the prospect qualification process did not flow with ease without AI.

  • Reels & Video Content Production: Took anywhere from 1 hr (per piece of quality content) to even days worth of time spent.

  • Sales were NEVER a guarantee without AI help.

After AI: More

Leads & Sales

After Implementing Ethical AI Systems:

  • Content: Now invests anywhere from 30 mins-60 mins (max) on content creation, video editing and copywriting.

  • Captions for IG: Now gets captions done in 1-3s and invests 2+ mins editing, humanising, and making AI output more ethical and toned on-brand.

  • Content Batching Before AI: Content batching is now done in 10 minutes to 1 hr instead of the prior days and weeks worth of time.

  • Outbound Marketing & Sales: Now focuses on giving clients quality premium service with a smooth AI enhanced process.

  • Course Creation & Launch: Created an entire digital course in 60 days instead of endless months.

  • AND ONLY THE OUTLINES were produced with AI help leaving MASSIVE space for CREATIVITY & PERSONALISATION!

  • "Now, I can get paid my worth, instead of getting paid by the hour and I am encouraged to teach my clients to do the same!" - Coach Megan

You deserve the premium life where your clients truly respect you and match your mindset and energy. It's possible - and you can live it!

Solving Business Problems

with the Power

of Ethical AI:

How do you stay true to ethics in a world where the lines are getting blurred of what is right vs. wrong with AI in business?

  • Ethical AI: is a subfield of AI and it's all about solving business problems while maintaining superb business morals and ethics.

  • AI Regulations: the first step in implementing robust ethical AI regulations is by actively learning about AI policy making and implementing personalised and inclusive AI guidelines within your business.

  • AI Bias & Discrimination: Action taking business owners like you seek to train both yourselves and your AI models to eliminate any bias, discrimination or hallucinations from the AI generated output.

  • AI Labor Displacement: It's the duty of each premium minded business owner to update their AI skillset to minimise labor displacement and instead to fuel the opportunity for new AI powered job positions.

  • AI Law & AI Regulation Institutions: as forward-thinking business owners, it is our mission to seek out AI Insitutions that deal with AI law to update ourselves, and to implement any new AI law ASAP in order to continue delivering premium quality service.

  • Creating AI Best Practices: every savvy business owner is tasked with outlining personalised AI regulations and guidelines that every employee and board member should follow.

  • Getting AI Certified: every determined business owner will not hesitate to get AI certified YESTERDAY!

There is no good excuse to delay the fundamental AI knowledge that your small business needs in order to stay in par with today's times!

Sneak Preview into Ethical AI:

What will you effectively learn ?

  • Ethical AI Prompt Engineering: you'll learn how to prompt engineer your text in a humanised, personalised and ethical way to get ouput that is authentic, not robotic.

  • AI Editing Software: you'll be trained on additional AI softwares and cloudwares that can help you adjust and edit your AI generated output to your personalised liking.

  • AI Bias & Discrimination: you will get trained on how to look out for bias and discrimination in your AI generated output so that you can intervene and eliminate any AI bias or hallucination.

How will you understand what is ethical vs. unethical AI practice ?

  • Ethical AI Resources: you will get premium downloadable worksheets and info sheets to get quick and applicable examples.

  • Case studies: you'll also be presented case studies and tutorials of what Coach Megan found to be the best ethical AI practices in her experience. Your task is to build on this.

  • Examples: you'll get a clear understanding of the best ethical AI practices with Coach Megan's examples.

Sneak Preview into Ethical AI:

What does EVMO Premium Education promise in the Ethical AI Workshop?

  • Merit Based Graduation: you will have to work and learn your way to a passing grade of 75% both on individual quizzes and on the final exam.

  • Immediate Implementation: you are guaranteed that if you do the work and the studying, you can begin creating AI generated output for your business immediately, 2x your sales potential and cut down content production time by 50+%.

  • A Community of Like Minded Ethical AI Professionals: you will get inserted in the EVMO Premium Education student group where you'll be able to grow with like minded professionals like you!

What are your guarantees at the Ethical AI Workshop?

  • Sales Potential: We guarantee that with our trainings you will gain a better understanding on how to sell ethically and effectively with AI powered tools! You get to put the fun back in your sales by allowing AI to do a lot of heavy lifting for you as you focus on creativity!

  • Personal Responsibility: you will gain a greater capacity to hold yourself 100% responsible and accountable on how you will choose to implement or not the knowledge you gain in the Ethical AI Workshop. You will learn about the power of your own choice as a responsible business owner and get the opportunity to put your own critical thinking skills into practice.

  • Personal Data Accountability: you will learn about the importance of being accountable of how you choose to share your online data with AI softwares, apps or cloudwares. This will help you develop critical thinking skills, research skills and decisional skills about how to manage and control your online data.

  • Premium Education Certification: you will gain a certificate of high honors by the EVMO Premium Education Academy which prides itself on premium, merit based education!

Sneak Preview in the Ethical AI Workshop:

2x Your Sales Potential With Dynamic

AI-Powered Storytelling:

What will you effectively learn in the Ethical AI Workshop ?

  • Ethical Prompt Engineering: you will learn how to prompt engineer your text input to generate the best possible output.

  • AI Editing Software: you will be trained on additional AI softwares and cloudwares that can help you adjust and edit your AI generated output to your personalised liking.

  • AI Bias & Discrimination: you will get trained on how to look out for bias and discrimination in your AI generated output so that you can intervene and eliminate any AI bias or hallucination.

How will you understand what is ethical vs. unethical AI practice ?

  • Ethical AI Resources: you will get quizzed on chapter material to remember what your learned and also be able to download valuable resources and summaries before quiz taking!

  • Case Studies: you will be presented some case studies and tutorials on what Coach Megan found to be best ethical practices in her experience. Your task is to add your own experience to this.

  • Examples: you will get trained both on Coach Megan's examples of great AI output production as well as be able to explore and study some of the best AI outputs produced by other AI cited users!

Sneak Preview in the Ethical AI Workshop:

What does EVMO Premium Education promise in the Ethical AI Workshop?

  • Merit Based Graduation: you will have to work and learn your way to a passing grade of 75% both on individual quizzes and final exam.

  • Immediate Implementation: you are promised that if you do the work and the studying, you can begin creating AI generated output for your business immediately.

  • A Premium Quality E-Learning Experience: you will get the EVMO Premium Education experience where investment will always match educational value for professionals like you!

Sneak Preview in the Ethical AI Workshop:

What are your guarantees at the Ethical AI Workshop?

  • Greater Sales Potential: We guarantee that with our trainings you will gain a better understanding on how to sell ethically and effectively with AI powered tools! You get to put the fun back in your sales by allowing AI to do a lot of heavy lifting for you as you focus on creativity!

  • Personal Responsibility: you will gain a greater capacity to hold yourself 100% responsible and accountable to how you will choose to implement or not the knowledge you gain in the Ethical AI Workshop. You will learn about the power of your own choice as a responsible business owner and get the opportunity to put your own critical thinking skills into practice.

  • Personal Data Accountability: you will learn about the importance of being accountable of how you choose to share your online data with AI softwares, apps or cloudwares. This will help you develop critical thinking skills, research skills and decisional skills about how to manage and control your online data.

  • Premium Education Certification: you will gain a certificate of high honors by the EVMO Premium Education Academy which prides itself on high quality, merit based education!

Original Value = €499

What is the advantage of using AI ethically to generate attention grabbing visual storytelling?

  • Unique Storytelling: you will facilitate your labor with AI to singlehandedly generate a reel or video that you can use to capture your audience through powerful visual storytelling. Check out the mini clip above for a Charlie-Chaplin inspired digital immersion!

  • Storytelling that Sells: it is no longer enough to produce a low quality reel or video for your sales process. The best you can do is generate high quality video output that is centered around a story that is relatable and that can establish you as an authority, catapulting your sales to higher horizons.

  • Blending Space & Time: since AI is hyper modern, it may frighten some older generations of people! Creating a powerful video like the one in the mini clip above, allows savvy business owners to put AI in a nostalgic story context of old-style black and white movies, blending space-time!

What are the advantages of this golden AI Age?

  • Craft an Offer in Less than 24hrs: you can craft an offer, build a sales page and sell it all within 24 hrs! Depending solely on your work ethic and on your desire to produce a solution to what your audience needs, you are more than able to outline a problem, craft a solution, and sell it all within one working day!

  • Focus on Creativity: now that AI is doing all the heavy lifting for you, you can sit back and focus on creativity within a process or production. This will increase your output quality.

  • Increase Profitability: since you will be empowered to create better output quality and also more effecient processes, you will likely 2x your sales potential as more and more clients flock to you due to your impeccable delivery!

Original Value: €499

Today, You'll Unlock These Additional,

Extraordinary Goodies for FREE!


The Ultimate AI Prompt Humanisation Framework

This is the only comprehensive framework you will *ever* need to write AI copy that is humanised, on brand, and above all, to write copy that sells!


The AI Multistream Blueprint:

Be Everywhere at Once!

Ever wonder how big fish in your industry manage to be live in one place and have replays or multi-lives at the same time on other socials? This is how!


Learn How to

Draw Your Audience

to Your Offer with Creative AI QR Codes!

Learn the most cost effective way to generate creative and artistic custom QR codes that will drive your audience directly to your offer page! No need for complicated subscription services. Just learn great prompting!

Original Value = €499

Original Value = €499

Learn to Create Content that Converts

Storytell Like a Pro: Transform Yourself

into a Cartoon Superhero!

Craft Your Own Cinematic AI


How will Your Business Transform

in the Ethical AI Workshop? 🤩

  • Gain back 50+% of your time spent in content creation.
  • Eliminate the burnout of multitasking and content production overtime.
  • Quicken your content creation & launch workflow!
  • Craft a converting offer in less than 24 hrs!
  • Attract Premium clients with the power of AI precision.
  • Understand "How to Use AI for Good" with Ethical AI Policy.
  • Learn Gen AI Content for Business & Maximise Content Conversions.
  • Sell More with Leads & Sales Tools that 2X Your Sales Potential.
  • Learn to Think Critically about Your Business & AI Industry.
  • Position Yourself as an AI Leader & Expert with this Knowledge.
  • Equip Yourself with a Prestigious EVMO Premium Education High Honors Graduation Certificate.
  • Become a Part of a Like-Minded Community of Tech Bosses Like You!
  • Gain back 50+% of your time spent in content creation.

  • Eliminate the burnout of content process multitasking & overload.

  • Attract Premium Clients with the Power of Ethical AI & Humanised Messaging.

  • Understand "How to Use AI for Good" with Ethical AI Policy.

  • Learn Gen AI Content for Business & Maximise Content Conversions.

  • Sell More with Leads & Sales Tools that 2X Your Sales Potential.

  • Learn to Think Critically about Your Business & AI Industry.

  • Position Yourself as an AI Leader & Expert with this Knowledge.

  • Equip Yourself with a Prestigious EVMO Premium Education High Honors Graduation Certificate.

  • Become a Part of a Like-Minded Community of Tech Bosses Like You!

🥇 Are You Ready!? 🥇

Total Original Value = €7777

Take Coach Megan's Reviews For It:



Michele B.

Coach Megan is very professional and makes you feel at ease. She understands the needs of whoever seeks her help. I highly recommend Megan to anyone who wishes to clarify their business goals & strategy!

Francesca A.

I pray to God that Megan's business reaches all the right people in need of her. And that it can glorify God and that He may bless her and her clients according to His riches and His glory.

Alina K.

I'm reading your book these days again & learning again from it also paying attention to your posts... Every time I study your book, it gives me a little more confidence to launch my online business!

Britt V.

I just see how authentic & original you are. It's why I first started following you many years ago. You've only become a stronger & more formidable force throughout the years. You deserve more than compliments!

Dr. Mohammed K.

Ms. Megan Sanchez is a leader in the field of women's empowerment, leadership, business, marketing, management, journalism, and international relations. Megan dedicated her life and time to serve humanity through her organization known as Evolution Movement News. I highly recommend Megan as editor, consultant, or keynote speaker for global projects, organisations, and women's leadership conferences because her diverse experience in these fields proves that she is a very strong candidate for serving many international leadership positions!

Violeta V.

Megan does amazing job with the Evolution Movement News (EVMO News) by inspiring us in these hard times with the power of positive news. No tragedy and no negativity. It has been a pleasure cooperating with Megan and I’m looking forward to what the future brings to both EVMO News and the Biz Ladies. As well, Megan has taught me how to use LinkedIn more effectively by building new connections. Thank you for all you do!

Dr. Evi P.

Megan's integrity and friendliness was so appreciated in the mission of Cosmoleadership, wanting to spread the word! Megan is definitely the example of leadership we want to promote!

Philip A.

I booked a session with Megan to work out some things in my online business and she offered an honest & precise evaluation of my strategies & has steered me in a hugely more successful direction. I gladly recommend her services to anyone!

Total Original Value:



Payment Plans

Plan 1

Pay in Full


One Time Payment

Plan 2

Pay in 12 parts


For 12 Months

Certificate FAC Simile:

Certificate FAC Simile:

Sneak Preview Inside:

"Premium isn't a price.

It's the mindset desire to attract and to give above average results.

It's the desire to shift

from the ordinary to

the extraordinary...

In business & in life!"

- Coach Megan

"Premium isn't a price. It's the mindset desire to attract and

to give above average results. It's the desire to shift from the ordinary to the extraordinary... In business & in life!"

- Coach Megan

Are You Ready to Take Your Business to the Next Level with the Power of Ethical AI Premium Education in Order to 2X Your Leads & Sales Potential Every Day?

✨ !! I Bet You Are!! ✨

This is an Exquisite Opportunity to Set Up a Completely AI Powered, Proven, and battle-tested Premium AI System Plan for Your Online Business!

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